Another 2m of Cycle Track Built!

Two years ago, we reported that cyclists crossing the new bridge over the River Nar from Central Park (known locally as balls-up park after the sculptural balls dotted around it) were expected to cross two metres of grass and jump off a high kerb if they wanted to join Sandpiper Way (in the development opposite the southern end of Harding's Way).

We're happy to report that finally the missing bit of tarmac and a dropped kerb has been installed!

Sandpiper Way: Before and After

We'll return shortly with a tape measure to check that child trailers and cargo bikes can get through the gap in those bollards — but it's not great that they've been put in the centre of each direction lane instead of one in the middle and the other on the grass to reduce that huge gap on the left, is it? Progress seems to be like a tricycle these days: two wheels forwards, one wheel back...

Please keep reporting this sort of fault on or any other tools you know and let the rest of BUG know with a comment on the site, on cyclescape or otherwise. Some of the stuff we report does get fixed, you see. Eventually.

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