28 Jan Pedal and Chat Called Off
Due to a combination of absences and bad weather, this ride has been called off. Hope to see you on Tue 4th Feb instead.
Due to a combination of absences and bad weather, this ride has been called off. Hope to see you on Tue 4th Feb instead.
This ride is cancelled due to the awful weather at the start.
The 24 November 2024 ride is postponed to a future date due to the forecast strong wind gusts from Storm Bert. Take care and keep the rubber side down!
The ride to Emneth on Sun 3 Dec 2023 is postponed until next year due to black ice on the route. See you next time!
Day Ride Sunday 3rd October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Swaffham Market Cross Café. About 40 miles. Day Ride Sunday 10th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to The Granary Tea Room, Snettisham. About 30 miles. Day Ride Sunday 17th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Denver where we can choose between the Golf Club ...
Day Ride Sunday 5th September 10.00am Lynnsport A picnic ride to Ten Mile Bank; bring a picnic or visit the golf club or windmill in Denver. About 41 miles. Norfolk Churches Ride Saturday 11th September 10.00am Lynnsport Aiming to visit East Lexham and possibly Houghton on the Hill, perhaps with a lunch stop in Swaffham. ...
Day Ride Sunday 13th June 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Little Walsingham where we have a choice between Norton Rooms and Victorious Tea Rooms. About 56 miles. Train assist Day Ride Sunday 20th June Train leaves KL station 0919hrs Train from King’s Lynn to Cambridge North, followed by ride to St Ives (14 miles) with ...
Back on the bikes! You can now ride in groups of up to six and the official government covid travel advice includes "If you need to travel, walk or cycle where possible" and "stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with". I hope to see you out there! Please Write Now! A ...
Now that the relaxation of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, England) Regulations allows groups of up to 6 to ride together and the advice from Cycling UK is "[cyclists] can take part in group cycling activity", the following rides have restarted until further notice: Tuesdays 6.30pm Lynnsport - Pedal and Chat Sundays 10am Lynnsport - Pedal ...
We're sorry to cancel but we feel we should follow the official advice. Cycling UK and British Cycling have advised their groups to cancel all events, so KLWNBUG is also cancelling until further notice. You can still go for a bike ride - Sport England even suggest it as a way to get exercise at ...