Play: Spot The Survey Posts

We interrupt our scheduled series to ask for your help! The traffic survey posts have appeared around town and we'd like to know where they really are. If you spot one, please could you submit the details on this form?

They may look something like this:


Hardwick Bridge Traffic Survey Camera

That one is an orange box tied and wired to a streetlight with a pole next to it. On top of the pole is a camera or sensor of some sort. This box is labelled "A48" which suggests there may be at least another 47 to find.

Please keep your eyes open and fill out this form with details. If you leave your name, we'll publish some sort of "hall of fame" for the people who spot the most. If you have any trouble with the form, email bug AT or ask on facebook.

Keep rolling!

Survey Post Details
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  1. (valid email required)
  2. May we contact you about our campaigns?


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