Feb/March Bulletin

Hi Bugsters.

Our Helen has been awarded “Cyclist of the Year” by the Norfolk branch of Cycling U.K. (aka CTC). The presentation will be made in Norwich on Saturday 4th February at The Cottage PH, Thunder Lane, Thorpe St Andrews, Norwich, 12.00 for 12.30, tickets cost £8 per head for 2 course carvery and coffee. I have two spare seats if anyone would like a lift. Please let me know so I can book you places: Trev 01485 543706.

Anyone fancy a 208 km Audax? Swaffham Lions’ 208, Sunday 26th March. http://www.aukweb.net/events/detail/16-10/

Beware the icy days of January. One broken hip and one broken pelvis is one of each too many, let’s hope there are no more. OOPS!! There’s been a third, resulting in leg in plaster, broke bone(s) in foot. Be careful out there. Stick to gritted roads when it's icy (see map link on our website) or fit studded tyres.


If you have any queries or ride suggestions, please get in touch with Pete on 01553 673647, email: peteayton@gmail.com or Trev on 01485 543706, email: trevorriches@talktalk.net

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