Harding's Way: Objection to 17/1008/F

Here's a copy of our objection to application 17/1008/F by the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk to itself to move the bus gate north, remove the restrictions south of there and add three turnings off Harding's Way. It's a bit long but that's because the plan seems to contradict so many policies, ...


Save Hardings Way Walk/Ride 11am Sat 15 Jul 2017

Please share widely! Explanation from County Councillor Alex Kemp - "nearly all Borough Councillors at last Wednesday's Regeneration Panel spoke in favour of opening up Hardings Way to traffic, for the benefit of 436 flats they want on the Boal Quay. They ignored the objections of Whitefriars School I forwarded to them.This will ruin the ...
