Jubilee Ride amendment

My mistake was to label the ride “75 kilometres”.  What a silly mistake!!  It’s a 70 kilometre ride to celebrate the queen’s seventy year reign.  My apologies.                                                                                                                                                              Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.                                                                Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month at The Ratskeller 7.30 for 8pm. The ...


May Updates

Change of venue for the social and consultation meeting to Ferry Lane Social Club in Ferry Lane off King Street, King's Lynn for Thursday 12 May. 7.45pm start. Ring the bell! Times have been confirmed for Sunday 29 May for the London Free Cycle: trains leave King's Lynn 0825 arriving London 1011 and hourly thereafter ...


May/June Latest

https://orlo.uk/HSpCW Reach Ride                   Monday 2nd March          Lynn Station for 0844 or 0909 train to Ely                                      A ride guided by the Ely Cycling Campaign, Monday 2nd May 10am Ely Railway Station. Train from Lynn at 08:44 arriving 09:16 (32m, direct) or 09:09 arriving 0947 (38m, direct): £7.20 Super Off-Peak Day Return.  Return group ride leaves Reach ...
