Bawsey Bumps and the CWAP Map

Two years ago, Norfolk County Council consulted on its Cycling and Walking Action Plan. Among the plan's pages, there was this encouraging map: At long last, King's Lynn would get a decent cycle route to the east, offering a more direct official route to Norwich - although still indirect because NCC don't recognise/improve any obvious ...


Play: Spot The Survey Posts

We interrupt our scheduled series to ask for your help! The traffic survey posts have appeared around town and we'd like to know where they really are. If you spot one, please could you submit the details on this form? They may look something like this: That one is an orange box tied and wired ...


Bike Week 2018

Well done! KLWNBUG's Bike Week programme is halfway through. On Saturday we had a "round town ramble" taking in some of the cycle-friendly country lanes that still survive inside the town's bypass, whereas last night "pedal and chat" headed off to enjoy the sunset among poppies and flowering thistles on West Winch Common, a 2½ ...
