Please, this halloween, let's give the Southgates the treat of approving a better plan for walking and cycling around it. Before the end of 31 October, please go to the Borough Council website, scroll down until you find the "Southgates Masterplan Survey", then scroll down and open the exhibition boards (or the detailed plan if you prefer) in a new window and start the survey in the other.
On question 1, tick the options saying the area has cycling-related problems, plus whatever else you like, and give some reason.
On questions 2 and 3, please support the ambitious plan and vision to make it more people-friendly, with whatever reasons you feel.
Question 4 isn't really much about cycling, so answer as you want, then Question 5 is key. Please tick the cycling, walking and bus options, along with whatever else you agree with.
Please answer question 6 in favour of allowing cyclists through the gate, but the rest don't seem very cycling-related.
Then complete the personal survey and submit your response. Thank you!
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