January/February Bulletin

Hi Bugsters,


Happy New Year to one and all.  Our ride to The Railway Arms at Downham Market was cool and breezy with a side/head wind which made us concentrate.  After a very welcome pint we repaired to the Downham Café opposite the clock where they serve a good range of budget priced food. The home run provided enough tail winds to boost us on our way, but for Helen and I it was still a dark home-coming.  Sorry to be so late Helen!

This year is an election year for our MPs and Borough/District Councils.  We'd like your help to make Space for Cycling an election issue - with 20% of people around here cycling, it ought to be!  Please tell us who and where you are and we'll approach your candidates with you.

On Sunday 19 April 2015 the “Count the Counties” Sportive will be starting from Lynnsport, offering a 30, 55 or 92 mile option.  Details on: www.cyclesportivesuk.co.uk

It you would like to ride an Audax event, check out the Audax calendar website at: www.aukweb.net/events/   There are events running all over the country, next one I’ve spotted is in Essex,:”The Springtime 100” starting 10am from Ugley on Sat 21 March.

If you have any queries or ride suggestions, please get in touch with Trev on 01485 543706, email: trevorriches@talktalk.net or Pete on 01553 673647, email: peteayton@gmail.com


Happy pedalling from Trev.  JE SUIS CHARLIE   Have a look at: World Humanist Congress: Martin Rowson on Giving the gift of offence. Find it on Youtube, and DO NOT be offended, or if you are, live with it.


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