Planning Round-up: Clenchwarton Fosters / The Winch / Watlington Station / Plaxtole House

Responding to proposed plans for new buildings and changes is one of the few ways that we can tell developers what local cyclists want. Sadly, many of them either come from far away places where few people cycle or they seem simply not to understand what local cycling policies mean or something. Council officers spot some of the problems but not all of them, so we try to help out.  You can help too: if you agree with our analysis, please add your own objection to the planning applications website and if we get enough, the plans should be reviewed by our elected councillors. We don't usually organise petitions about plans because the council regards a petition as only one objection, so it's better if you explain your own objection.

I have objected to 15/01003/OM | Outline Application: construction of up to 40 dwellings | Fosters Sports Ground Ferry Road Clenchwarton Norfolk PE34 4BP because "the "Rivers" Local Cycle Route is in need of improvement along Main Road - most urgently between St Peters Road West Lynn and Clenchwarton and across the Free Bridge of the River Great Ouse. The Design and Access Statement is incorrect in so many ways, including that it shows an off-road cycle route across the Free Bridge in Figure 2 that still doesn't exist, despite being requested by KLWNBUG for more than a decade. In the statement, the 40mph Main Road as "Carriageway is suitable for cyclists" which is debatably incorrect as it does not meet the guidance of Local Transport Note 2/08 Cycle Friendly Infrastrucure Table 1.3. Main Road is used more from necessity than suitability as a route and the further 40 dwellings in this designed-for-motoring development would make this carriageway less suitable as a cycle route.

"This development should require at least some mitigation measures from completion of the off-carriageway cycle route across the Free Bridge, construction of protected space between West Lynn and Clenchwarton, reduction of the 40mph limits on Main Road and Ferry Road to 30mph and associated measures to encourage new residents in this development to cycle into Clenchwarton, West Lynn and King's Lynn."

Similarly, I've objected to 15/01053/FM | 17 detached dwellings and creation of new access and adopted road and reconfiguration of public house grounds | The Winch 70 Main Road West Winch Norfolk PE33 0LY: "the "King" Local Cycle Route runs along the eastern side of the A10, but this application makes no contribution towards enabling access from the development to/from it, so presumably people are expected to cycle along the very busy A10 to the nearest dropped kerbs, which surveys say few are willing to do. Also, the cycle route around the Hardwick Interchange at 1m with zero-radius corners is already inadequate for planned development in this area without extra development like this and the section from the Hardwick to Rectory Lane is uneven and needs resurfacing in the opinion of KLWNBUG.

"Within the development, no priority is given to walking and cycling, contrary to all the above policies from NPPF downwards - for example, there are no cycle bypasses to the rumble strips and no journeys would be shorter by walking or cycling than by motoring despite an obvious opportunity to provide a unmotorised connection from the shared drive through the reconfigured PH car park."

15/01306/OM | Outline application with some matters reserved for mixed use development comprising 50 no. space car park, 500sq m of B1 use and 9 no. dwellings | Storage Land Station Road Watlington King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 0JF has had an objection saying "We are very keen to see an increase in quality and volume of standard cycle parking at Watlington station but ... It is difficult to see how 68 bicycles would be parked in the 6m x 8m cycle park shown on the main site layout. The minimum dimensions on page 5 of the Parking Standards for Norfolk 2007 mean that the cycle park would need to be at least 6m x 12m to accommodate that number. Please reject this application until a standards-compliant cycle park is included and the layout is redesigned to give priority to walking and cycling as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, county and borough policies."

Finally, I've objected to 15/01234/OM | OUTLINE APPLICATION WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment for residential use | Plaxtole House 70 Goodwins Road King's Lynn Norfolk PE30 5PD because "The trip generation section of the transport assessment suggests that this development would barely increase cycling and walking while disproportionately increasing motor traffic through the current high-conflict crossings of Vancouver Avenue / Goodwins Road / Tennyson Road where the "Walks" and "Rivers" Local Cycle Routes cross it, as well as the blind Extons Road crossroads which remains a vital cycling and walking route. These crossings all show as clusters of collisions on a full view of which shows more collisions than the screenshot in the Transport Assessment Appendix where only a few years were selected. In particular, there is the long-standing issue of no refuge and an awkward exit where the Rivers cycle route crosses Vancouver Avenue near Sidney Street."

"The proposed mitigation measure of a "Travel Welcome Pack" seems wholly inadequate, no substitute for a well-designed development and unlikely to encourage a shift to sustainable transport in the spirit of national, county and borough planning policies. It is completely absurd for section 5.6 of the Transport Assessment to suggest that provision of pedestrian footways would somehow encourage cycling, unless the developer wishes to encourage footway cycling?"

If you agree with these, please use the reference numbers to add your objection comments at the planning applications website.

I think I've reviewed everything up until 30 August 2015 but if you notice something I've missed that could affect cycling, please let me know.

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