Update on petition "Keep cars off National Cycle Route 1 in King's Lynn"

Dear Friends,

If you have signed the petition after my last communication to supporters, firstly let me thank you.

The reason this petition was started was that a previous one garnered on a community walk across Harding's Pits by County Councillor Alexandra Kemp was declined by the council ruling Conservative Group on the basis that they would not consider any petition signed by less than 250 people. This seems to be a rule that they have invented themselves.

The good news is that our petition has now breached this number: however my ultimate aim is to collect 5000 to force a full Council debate on the issue. Yes, this is ambitious, but time is on our side. The professional Assessment for the scheme, costing the Council £350.000 (while they cut vital services) will take a year or more to complete and there will be many more time consuming hurdles for them to overcome.

It is time to step up public campaigning. I shall be at Whitefriars School from 8.30 to 9.00 this Thursday 7th September, to collect signatures from parents and teachers. Afterwards, unless the weather is foul, an hour of door to door canvassing in the immediate area. This activity is proving very effective with a large percentage of people signing. For 'outs' there is now an attractive flyer to put through the letterbox.

If you are free, and would like to develop the campaign, it would be great for you to come to help, or even just to say 'hallo'. There will be other opportunities to involve yourself in the future if you are not available this time.



Kevin Waddington

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