Oct/Nov Bulletin

Hi Bugsters.

Hardings Way: KLWNBUG is objecting to Norfolk County Council's attempt to change the Bus and Cycle Way Order (their reference PK6061/HP1/AM) to allow max legal HGVs on the Wisbech Road end of this key cycle route because it will reduce road safety. Objections must be sent to Alisa Magar, NCC Community and Environmental Services, County Hall, Norwich NR1 2SG by 1st November.

Operation Close Pass: Norfolk and Suffolk police have started using unmarked police cyclists to identify drivers who don't give 1.5m (a bit over half a car's width) of space when overtaking. Any motorists identified are then stopped by uniformed traffic police and offered a choice between a ticket and an education session nearby if it's their first offence.

In the first Norfolk operation, four motorists were stopped: three accepted the education session and one car was seized due to no insurance, MoT or licence, plus the driver arrested on suspicion of drug driving. Well done to Norfolk police and thanks to all our fellow cycling groups and campaigns that have been asking for this to come here!

If you have any queries or ride suggestions, please get in touch with Pete on 01553 673647, email: peteayton@gmail.com Trev 01485 543706 email:trevorriches@talktalk.net   Sarah:shb@phonecoop.coop

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