Feb/Mar rides

Day Ride                               Sunday 28th January                 10.00am Lynnsport                                   A ride to The Rare Breeds Farm Café, Stow Bardolph. About 28 miles.                                         Day Ride                               Saturday 3rd February                     10.00am Lynnsport                              A ride to Worzals Farm Shop and Tea Rooms.  About 34 miles.                                                                   Day Ride                            Sunday 11th February                         10.am Lynnsport           A ride to The Stag at West Acre. About 30 miles.                                                            Day Ride                               Saturday 17th February                    10.00am Lynnsport                     A ride to the Titchwell RSPB Bird Reserve where the bacon butties are superb. About 45 miles.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Day Ride                               Sunday 25th February                       10.00am Lynnsport                     A ride to Bagthorpe Hall to see the snowdrops. In aid of the NGS, there will be an entry fee of £4.00. 11.00 -16.00. Soup, cakes etc available. About 38 miles.

Ideas for March rides: 3/4 Memories Tea Rooms, Clenchwarton 20+ miles (decide on the day).  10/11 Charmed Interiors Downham Market 32 miles. 18th East Rudham Tea Rooms 36 miles. 24/25 Wells-Next-the-Sea 60 miles.                                                                                                                                        Remember to bring functioning lights!

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