Snowdrop ride further postponement

The forecast for Sunday 16th  February predicts the arrival of storm Dennis..  For that reason the Lexham Hall Snowdrop ride is cancelled.  Bagthorpe Hall grounds will open for a snowdrop visit Sunday 23rd February 2020

 Bagthorpe Hall - Open Garden for NGS

A delightful circular walk which meanders through a stunning display of snowdrops naturally carpeting a woodland floor, and returns through a walled-garden.

Sun 23 Feb (11-4). Admission £5, Children free. Home-made teas. Soups made with organic vegetables from the farm. Times:11:00 to 16:00. Open for charity.

Bagthorpe Hall, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE31 6QY

Don’t forget Vicky’s Tuesday evening rides with The Pedal and Chat Group. Meet at Lynnsport at 18.30.

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