11am Sat 15 Aug: Harding's Way Socially-Distanced Ride/Rally

Hi All, Please come to Hardings Way Bus Gate on Wisbech Road next Saturday 11 am to show your support for the bus lane. Norfolk County Council Cycling Champion, Andrew Jamieson, is going to visit Hardings Way, where South Lynn residents have been campaigning for 3 years to save the bus, cycle and pedestrian-only route from traffic. Andrew Jamieson says : "I'm passionate about providing safe cycling routes, to enable more people to travel in a green and healthy way. I look forward to talking to local residents, to explore what is possible."

Cutting Pollution in Lynn
The Railway Road pollution problem shows we need more bus-only lanes in the centre of Lynn, not put traffic on the bus lanes we have. A new bus-only route to the Bus Station would take the buses out of the congestion on St Johns Terrace and improve air quality for residents.

Improving Lynn's Health
Hardings Way Bus and Cycle Lane was established to remove the Highways Agency cap on NORA development, by keeping traffic out of the town centre and off London Road. To improve highways safety and speed up bus journeys, and encourage walking and cycling for better public health.

Hardings Way is the only safe route into town and route to the local park Hardings Pits for 10,000 residents.

Now that the Govt is putting £2 bn into a new cycling policy, to encourage healthier modes of transport post-Covid, and wants pop-up bus lanes, it makes no sense to put traffic anywhere on Hardings Way.

The Borough now needs to step up to the plate and start funding contributions for public transport for Hardings Way in its future development plans for NORA.

The continuous smooth surface of Hardings Way Buggy Pavement is highly valued by local residents, and is an important equality and diversity measure, helping young families and those less able to walk, travel safely into town, and stay independent.

We will need to keep to social distancing rules, and it would be helpful to know if you can come. Or just drop by on the day.

Kind regards and stay safe and well.

Cllr Alexandra Kemp
Division: Clenchwarton and King's Lynn South

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