Consultations June 2021

Here are the consultations and updates we've received this month, some with possible responses:

SCR/2021/0004 - new Four-Armed Roundabout, junction of Hempton Road and Dereham Road, Hempton near Fakenham. Sent a comment noting the presence of cycle routes and a need for this to conform to Local Transport Note 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure Design, which has been forwarded to the developer.

21/00995/FM - St James Medical Centre and more, Edward Benefer Way, South Wootton. Parking for 21 bicycles (odd: why not tricycles?), shower and changing for staff, but the proposed motor vehicle access crosses NCN 1 with cyclists passing the site apparently expected to enter the site and make a U turn crossing all three car park entrances to continue their ride! This is flagged up in their own Safety Audit (problem 4.2.1) with a vague recommendation that "appropriate measures should be implemented". The submitted proposed site plan includes no such measures and actually widens the radius of the entrance which would increase the speeds of cars entering and exiting and make it more difficult to cross. Not yet commented. Should we also object to the practice and local CCG?

F/YR21/3040/COND - highways details for 80 dwellings, Wimblington near March. Commented to request the 1.3m-pinch-point cycleway past the development, with a fast wide-radius road junction into it, is brought up to current standards.

3PL/2021/0862/D - 48 dwellings, Greenfields Road, Dereham. Looks like a typical mixed semi/detached estate. Could have slightly more direct connectivity to the cycleway towards Greens Road. Not yet commented.

21/00739/FM - 29 dwellings, Hall Road, Outwell. Run of houses on a gap fronting the road. All seem to have garages. Junction improvements at west end of Hall Road previously approved (design To Be Confirmed). Parish council object due in part to new drives onto the road, but it's not a cycle route so I'm not sure we want to say much this time. Not yet commented.

21/00820/PACU1 - change from offices to 24 flats, King's Lynn. Seems likely to be less motor traffic than previous office use. Civic society requested cycle storage, but NCC only suggested it and did not require it. Was approved 4th June with no requirement for cycle storage. No opportunity for us to comment, but I doubt our voice would have changed the outcome.

No relevant open consultations at NCC, LCC, CCC, West Norfolk or Fenland. Other districts not checked. One update on a past consultation: Spalding Active Travel measures will not go ahead because 79% of responses opposed them.

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