October Meeting and Consultations

Our October meet-up will be at the Rathskeller on South Quay on Thursday 14 October at 7.30pm for 8 at the outside tables. Bring a warm coat but it's a mild evening at the time of writing, so here's hoping for the same then!

New Consultations

Necton PR3963 71908 North Pickenham Road/ Browns Lane - 30mph Speed Limit Order — support?

Bawsey, Mintlyn Wood Road, Experimental Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Traffic Order (DPS 72042) — I suspect we need to support it but remind them to leave access open wide enough for the Cycle Design Vehicle, which it is not currently.

Updates on Past Consultations

21/00995/FM - NHS surgery off Edward Benefer Way, King's Lynn. NCC Highways recommended refusal due to, amongst other things, the dodgy crossing of NCN1. Developer has now submitted updated drawings dealing with some of the reasons but not the crossing. Repeat our objection?

21/00855/FM - 96 dwellings, Lynnsport Aconite Road Site, King's Lynn. Developer has submitted updated drawings dealing with most of our objections but it is still a 30mph spine road, the east end of a new roadside cycleway is still unclear and two links to/from carriageways are still shown as "pedestrian". Repeat our remaining objections?

One Comment

  1. Pingback: Letter Regarding Proposed St James Medical Centre on NCN1 Edward Benefer Way | KLWNBUG - The Norfolk & Fens Cycling Campaign

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