July/August Rides Posters
Posters for July and August now available. Once again, please put them up on any noticeboards you reach - at your workplace, local shops, community centres and so on! PDF: Jul; Norwich; Aug
Posters for July and August now available. Once again, please put them up on any noticeboards you reach - at your workplace, local shops, community centres and so on! PDF: Jul; Norwich; Aug
Norfolk County Council is working on a new cycling strategy for Norfolk. This 'Cycling Vision for Norfolk' is due to be presented in draft form to a committee of the Council in January 2015. Details are thin on the ground at the moment, but a quiet announcement was made on this page in the summer. ...
In 2005, a new cycle track and river crossing provided a high-quality link between Reffley and Springwood in King's Lynn. The link connects the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Springwood School with housing areas to the north of the Gaywood River. However, north of Reffley School, and through to Grimston Road, the cycle route was marred ...