March/April Bulletin Notes

Dates for your diaries should include: Saturday 23rd April we have a stand at the LynnsportFestival of Cycling” day where Andrew will be doing bike safety checks and maintenance tips and Pete will be leading short guided rides around selected local cycle paths:  Saturday 7th May, our RNLI “Yellow Welly” fund-raising ride via Sandringham Visitors’ Centre to attempt to fill our wellies and thence to the lifeboat station, Old Hunstanton where we hand over whatever we have raised: and Sunday May 15th Annual Samaritans’ Ride, optional fancy dress, helping to raise funds for the local Samaritans:  Further information to follow.

If you have any queries or ride suggestions, please get in touch with Trev on 01485 543706, email: or Pete on 01553 673647, email:


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