July/August/September 2019 rides

Day Ride Sunday 21st July 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to North Creake Abbey which Trev has worked out at 82km (51 odd miles) to jump the gun of his 82nd birthday. Coffee and cake on me.

Day Ride Sunday 28th July 10.00am Lynnsport Jazz at West Acre. Bring a picnic, a bottle of wine and revel in a lazy afternoon enjoying the cool sounds of DixieMix Jazz Band. Tickets £10.00 32 miles.

Day Ride Sunday 4th August 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Heacham for their Carnival. Decorate yourselves with plastic garbage to draw attention to the need to reduce the amount of plastic finding its way into the environment. If you really want to enter into the spirit of the day, dress as an animal with your plastic garbage attached to the fancy dress. About 28 miles.

Evening Ride with Pedal and Chat Group Tuesdays 7.00pm Lynnsport (Lights compulsory).

Evening meet Thursday 8th August 8.00 pm at Ferry Lane Sociable meeting.

Day Ride Sunday 11th August 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Bircham Windmill. About 32 miles.

Day Ride Saturday 17th August 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Downham Bakery in search of coffee and cake. About 34 miles.

Day Ride Sunday 25th August 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Coco’s, Swaffham. About 38 miles,

Long Day Ride Saturday 31st August 8.30am Lynnsport Holland Hundred via Boston, Spalding, Wisbech, King’s Lynn. Not less than 100 miles.

Day Ride Saturday 7th September 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Park Farm Snettisham. About 28 miles.

Evening meet Thursday 12th September 8.00 pm at Ferry Lane Sociable meeting.

Train assist Day Ride Sunday 15th September 0926 train from King's Lynn to Cambridge North arriving 1010. A ride from Cambridge North Station along NCN Route 51 to St Ives where are some tasty pubs. Then return to Ely, or further, according to the wishes of the group on the day. 34 miles or more. Update: extra option: some will be riding to watch the Handlebards perform Much Ado About Nothing as part of the Cambridge Festival of Cycling at 2pm, probably catching a train back to Lynn in the evening. Tickets are £16 in advance, see link.

Day Ride Sunday 22nd September 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to The Twenty Church Wardens, Cockley Cley. About 48 miles.

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