January 2023 Consultations

See you at Ferry Lane 7.30 for 8pm this evening, as usual (second Thursday of each month). New Consultations Not much this month. I didn't notice any new major planning applications or anything seriously affecting cycle routes, nor are there any traffic regulation orders proposed in western Norfolk. So, the biggest consultation is the Pilot ...


May Updates

Change of venue for the social and consultation meeting to Ferry Lane Social Club in Ferry Lane off King Street, King's Lynn for Thursday 12 May. 7.45pm start. Ring the bell! Times have been confirmed for Sunday 29 May for the London Free Cycle: trains leave King's Lynn 0825 arriving London 1011 and hourly thereafter ...


December 2021 Social/Campaigns Meeting

Due to Christmas parties making our usual meeting places busier, our December social/campaigns meeting will be online at 8.15pm Thursday 9 December 2021. The link to the video call is https://jitsi.amikoop.coop/RidersInTheStorm - see you there later! The campaigning information post will be linked below once it's published.

November 2021 Meeting and Consultations

New Consultations 21/02057/S257 - Snettisham Mill Gardens, diversion of right of way. Footpath. Open Spaces Society is objecting but I feel we should make no comment due to lack of right of access for cycling. 21/01979/FM - King's Lynn Queen Elizabeth Hospital, new class C2 building. I think this is near the site of the ...


September Meeting and Consultations

We've got an outside table booked at the Swan Inn, South Wootton (on Nursery Lane between NCN1 and the Edward Benefer/Low Road cycleway), for our monthly social this Thursday, 9 September 2021. Some of us are meeting at the Wootton Gap (Castle Rising Rd/ Grimston Rd/ Low Rd/ Wootton Rd) junction first to look at ...


KLWNBUG Social August 2021

The KLWNBUG social is LIVE again this month! We will be sat at a table outside the Rathskeller on South Quay from 7:30 PM onwards this Thursday 12 August if you'd like to join us. Some chat about this month's consultations will probably start about 8pm.

KLWNBUG Social July 2021

The KLWNBUG social is going back LIVE this week! Rob's back garden at 75 Friars Street, King's Lynn PE30 5AP is open for business from 7:30 PM onwards this Thursday. Bring something to eat or drink to share. Plenty of space for socially distancing and bike storage. Even got a big awning in case it's ...


Consultations May 2021

Here are the consultation updates we have seen for the May 2021 meeting: Burnham Market, Creake Road : Proposed 20mph Speed Limit Order - PR3947 (DPS 70925) - I sent an initial response requesting the 20mph extension to continue to the south edge of village and along NCN1. NCN1 is too narrow for 60mph and ...
