October Norfolk Cycling Festival Rides

Day Ride Saturday 5th October 10.00am Lynnsport Ongar Hill and the Sea Bank, about 2hours, finish at a King's Lynn café (alternatively, meet at Cut Bridge 10.20am).

Evening Ride Tuesdays 6.30pm Lynnsport (good weather only - see facebook for details)

Evening meet Thursday 10th October 8.00 pm at Ferry Lane Sociable meeting.

Day Ride Sunday 13th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Snettisham Granary via a coastal views loop, about 33 miles (3.5 hours riding - alternatively, meet at Castle Rising Black Horse 10.30 or Sandringham Visitor Centre 10.50)

Day Ride Sunday 20th October 10.00am Lynnsport Titchwell RSPB or Thornham Deli, 42 miles (alternatively, meet at Castle Rising Black Horse 10.30 or Sandringham Visitor Centre 10.50)

Day Ride Saturday 26th October 9.00am Lynnsport 100km annual "ride of the falling leaves" to Lynford Arboreteum and back (alternatively, meet at Cut Bridge 9.20am).

Day Ride Saturday 26th October 10.45am West Dereham junction of Church Road and Hilgay Road - 50km "ride of the falling leaves" to Lynford Arboreteum and back (layby car parking, or small car park available outside the village hall fence further north on Church Road - if you're using the train from Lynn or Ely to reach the start, ride from Downham Market station to Denver church to meet us at 10.30).

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