While we were sampling the delights of Pippa’s Pantry on Saturday we met Ralph Cox, who with his Canadian cousin Lorraine have been cycling Corner to Corner of the British mainland to raise funds for Haven House Children’s Hospice. They started at the beginning of August and are now approaching the end of their challenging journey. That’s 2754 miles in two months. Follow their blogs, daily route details, on Strava. Well worth a look and donation.
Corner to Corner for HavenHouse (cycling4charity.org.uk)
Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm. Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month Ferry Lane 7.45 for 8pm.
Rides List
Day Ride Sunday 2nd October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to the coal barn at Thornham followed by a pint at the Lifeboat or refreshments at Thornham Deli. About 44 miles.
Day Ride Sunday 9th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Castle Acre for refreshments at Wittles, or carry on to The Cartshed at Great Massingham. About 34 miles.
Planning/Social meeting Thursday 13th October 7.45 for 8pm at Ferry Lane
Day Ride Sunday 16th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Fakenham Town Centre. About 48 miles.
Day Ride Sunday 23rd October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to All Seasons café, Wisbech. About 34 miles.
Day Ride Saturday 29th October 9.00am Lynnsport Autumn Colours ride to Lyndford Arboretum. 100km with options to car-assist to West Dereham for 50 km or train-assist to Downham Market for 75 km.