Nov/December amendment

YOUR BIKE NEEDS YOU! Urgent items from MJ

If you've not already done so, please could you answer these two consultations

by Friday 24 November:

Your views on our Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Strategy for Norfolk 2023-2036

I recommend agreeing with the overall vision, strongly agreeing with steps 1 to 4 and 6, and saying whatever you feel about steps 5 and 7.  Please give them a comment about how important it is that Norfolk brings its cycling infrastructure up to match the best in England, or about what it means to you.

Help us with the design of the new community hub in King's Lynn

I suggest answering what would "help you make the most of the new space?" with something including the importance of nearby cycle parking, as well as anything else you would like to see.

Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.                                                               

Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month Ferry Lane 7.45 for 8pm. See: for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.

Please note the change for Sunday 17th December. Carvery lunch ride to The Anvil, Congham. Let Trev know (07453303379 or by first of December so he can book.  £14.50 per person.

Day Ride                             Sunday 26th November                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Swaffham. About 38 miles.                                                                                                

Day Ride                             Sunday 3rd December                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Sweet Things Savoury, Emneth. About 36 miles.                                                                                      

Day Ride                             Sunday 10th December                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to The Norton Rooms.  About 54 miles.                                                                                                             

Planning/Social meeting             Thursday 14th December       7.45 for 8pm at Ferry Lane for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.                 

Day Ride                             Sunday 17th December                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to The Anvil, Congham for a carvery lunch.  About                                                                  

Day Ride                             Sunday 24th December                      10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to The Granary, Snettisham.  About 30 miles.                                                                                                                          

Day Ride                             Sunday 31st December                      10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Burnham Market.  About 46 miles.

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