May 17th Reminder!!

Hi Bugsters,


Just a reminder that the Annual Samaritans Charity Bike Ride takes place on Sunday 17th May starting from the Sandringham Visitors’ Centre.  Registration opens at 09.30 and the ride starts at 10.00, usually seen off by our MP Henry Bellingham.  Will he be our MP still I wonder?  We shall see.  There are two routes, one of fourteen miles and one of eight miles, so even the tiniest of bikers can take part.  The optional Fancy Dress Theme is  “Witches and Wizards”.  You can come as an individual or join our team entry. Please let Trev know if you want to join the team.  Those coming from King’s Lynn will need to meet at Lynnsport not later than 0845.


The May Bank Holiday weekend was busy for some of us.  On Saturday Helen, Sarah, Andrew, MJ and Trev, ably assisted by Laura and Pete, donned our wellies to raise money for lifeboat crews’ yellow wellies.  Mayday, Mayday, m’aidez, m’aidez,  (see what I mean?) inspired members of the public, mostly at Sandringham, to help fill our wellies to the tune of over £230.  Well done us all.  There’s talk of making this an annual event.  What do you think?


On Sunday was the Great East Anglian Run (GEAR) at which Wanda, Trevor, Helen and Trev marshalled and in Trevor’s case acted as pathfinder for an event which the weather endeavoured to put a damper on, result weather nil - GEAR big score.  I’m told over 2,000 adults did the full route and lots of children completed their shorter run.  Pity about the weather, but as someone remarked, “skin is waterproof”.


On Monday Helen, Mike, MJ and Trev caught the five to eight train to Cambridge to meet up with over eight hundred members of the Cambridge Cycling Campaign Charity for their annual ride to the official opening of the Reach Fair.  The wheelchair bound lady mayor was conveyed on a customised trike, thus arriving in great style.  Helen’s two daughters came by car thanks to husband Ian, and I had a ride on the big wheel with Alice for company.  As a finale to the visit we took advantage of perfect weather and an obliging tail wind to ride back to King’s Lynn via Wicken Fen and Ely.

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