July/August Bulletin

Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.                                                               

Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month Ferry Lane 7.45 for 8pm. See: www.KWLNBUG.co.uk  for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.             A message from MJ for all of us: A general election is coming. Please ask any MP candidates you meet, in real life or online, whether their party would fund active travel including cycling and what they will do to ensure that money is spent effectively. You can find more info and talking points at                    https://www.cyclinguk.org/general-election-2024   I don't expect only this to decide for whom you vote, but it's helpful to get the topic raised in the candidates' minds because it can help so many health and wellbeing topics, in addition to which, good cycle access boosts locally owned shops and services. We've just seen the results of ten years of the first "mini-Holland" projects and in any rational country we should now see that success spread to every town including ours. Get inspired at https://lcc.gov.uk/news/10-years-of-mini-hollands                                                                                     Day Ride                             Sunday 7th July                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Narborough for the Narborough Village Fair.  About 27 miles via Bawsey Bumps. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064533769159&story_fbid=868632865297831 Planning/Social meeting             Thursday 11th July       7.45 for 8pm at Ferry Lane www.KWLNBUG.co.uk for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.                  Day Ride                             Sunday 14th July                    10.00am Lynnsport                                                  Holkham Pedal Norfolk Festival in the Park. Bug has an invite for 10% off if anyone wants to enter the sportives: email MJ for it (mjray@tutamail.com) . About 52 miles.   https://thepedalrevolution.co.uk/pedalnorfolkfestival/                                                                      Day Ride                             Sunday 21st July                    10.00am Lynnsport                                                  A ride to The Cartshed Great Massingham, or West Acre Gardens if we get a crowd. About 30ish miles.                                                                                                                                                          Day Ride                            Sunday 28th July                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to J B Turner’s Farm and Country Store aka Rosey’s Café, situated at Gorefield, just NW of Wisbech.  About 45 miles.                                                                                                                       Day Ride                            Sunday 4th August                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Snettisham to visit The Norton Hill Light Railway. Raising funds for the Purfleet Trust. Entry £2.00p. Coffee and cake and lots of other stalls. Open 1pm to 5pm. About 30 miles.

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