King's Lynn Welcomes New Interchange Cycle Route

Local bike users have welcomed the opening of the new King's Lynn Bus Station which includes an improved two-way section of National Cycle Route 1.  The section between the Rail Station and Lynn Museum includes two "No Entry Except Cycles" and two new Toucan Crossings and a section of mixed-use path connects Waterloo Street to Museum Street and out towards the old Post Office.

Borough Mayor and Leader Open Bus Station: Cycle Park in Background

Borough Mayor and Leader Open Bus Station: Cycle Park in Background

"It's a huge improvement" said KLWNBUG's MJ Ray. "The old bus station route used to be one-way and expected people on bikes to turn right across buses twice, which few people wanted to do. The new layout is two-way, doesn't bring them into conflict with buses and has safer places to wait to cross Railway Road. We hope that the councils will continue this momentum and develop a connection of National Cycle Route 1 through King's Lynn town centre to Harding's Way."

In addition to the new section of National Cycle Route, there is new, longer ride-through cycle parking (big enough for cargo bikes) near Lynn Museum and the bus station exit; two of the new "Tiger" crossings which enable cycles to cross next to Zebras to ride around the edge of the multi-storey out towards Paradise Lane and Norfolk Street; and a forthcoming covered cycle rack inside the multi-storey.

KLWNBUG (King's Lynn and West Norfolk Bike Users Group) is the local Cyclenation member group for King's Lynn, West Norfolk and neighbouring areas, campaigning for easier everyday cycling and scheduling regular relaxed/freewheeling evening and weekend cycle rides from Lynnsport, the South Quay and Downham Market.  KLWNBUG responded to the King's Lynn Transport Interchange consultations and participated in the user panel meeting before construction started, highlighting the benefits of disentangling route networks while maintaining cycle access.  It will continue to press for completion of the cycle parking and small fixes like levelling of kerbs where cycles are expected to ride.

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