The borough council planning committee meeting to consider the Gaywood Parkway Park development has deferred the decision indefinitely, due to the late publication of the officer report.

At the time of writing, I am not sure if this is the first of the objections KLWNBUG raised in our recent response to the report, or another procedural irregularity, but we hope that councillors will take the time to visit the site, note the incompatibility with the greenways, Green Infrastructure and Cycling and Walking Implementation Plans of shoving a road through yet another greenway, felling ancient trees and building on reedbeds, and more seriously consider whether this "motors-first" development needs a fundamental redesign into something more appropriate for an urban greenway location.
Please contact your borough councillor through (or otherwise if you know them) and urge them to refuse this application which conflicts with the policies on active travel by making a main commuter cycleway 20% worse. Surely the council's own developments should be leading the way in supporting and delivering council policies, not undermining them?