May 2021 Bulletin

Back on the bikes!  You can now ride in groups of up to six and the official government covid travel advice includes "If you need to travel, walk or cycle where possible" and "stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with".  I hope to see you out there!

Vote Bike: Please get involved in county council, police commissioner and possibly mayoral elections. For latest information and links, please see

Route 1 part-closure: National Cycle Route 1/11 Thiefgate Lane will be closed between Saddlebow and St Germans Mill Road from 4 May while they have another go at repairing the road surface after last year's failure. We suggest riding the direct road between St Germans and Saddlebow instead.

The same week also sees the KES/Strikes road crossing being widened but we expect some access will be maintained during the works. Update: postponed to early June according to the Lynn News.

Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.

Online chat and plan 8.15pm on second Thursday evening of the month: details posted to the website earlier in the day.

Happy pedalling from BUG.

Rides List    

Day Ride                                  Sunday 2nd May                                  10.00am Lynnsport                                         A ride to Silverwood Tea Rooms, Sutton Crosses, Long Sutton PE12 9AU aka “A Time To Remember”   About 46 miles.     Bike map | Cycle route planner |

Day Ride                                   Saturday 8th May                               10.00am Lynnsport                                         A ride to Wittle’s Tea Rooms at Castle Acre.  About 46 miles.

Day Ride                                   Sunday 16th May                                 10.00am Lynnsport                                         A ride to Denver, either Golf Club or Windmill.  About 37 miles.

Day Ride                                   Saturday 22nd May                               10.00am Lynnsport                                         A loop stopping halfway at Jack’s Woodlakes Tea Rooms.   About 29 miles.

Yellow Welly Ride                           Sunday 30th May                               10.00am Lynnsport                                         A ride via Sandringham to the lifeboat Station at Old Hunstanton. This is to raise funds for the RNLI, so please seek sponsors to help swell their coffers.  Because of the covid situation we will be unable to canvas contributions from members of the public, so please dig into your own pockets and get friends to support you.  About 37 miles.

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