October Bulletin

Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.

Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month Ferry Lane 7.45 for 8pm. See: www.KWLNBUG.co.uk for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.
Another barrier win! The difficult tight slalom from opposite Reffley School has been replaced with a simple standard bollard. Thanks to all involved. Parking news: the cycle parking by Boots in King's Lynn town centre has been replaced by parking over the little bridge. It's not well signposted. We knew this was coming but it's still disappointing to see popular parking replaced with a worse location for little benefit. Council news: surprisingly, the council has moved ahead with both cycle hubs: the one next to the new less popular Purfleet parking which might be used town commuters, and also the poorly-connected one in South Lynn whose main purpose looks like diverting active travel money to build a big car park. We would really prefer that money be spent on the council's primary cycling and walking route projects.
Day Ride Sunday 1st October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Rosey Café, Gorefield, Wisbech PE13 4NF About 47 miles.
Day Ride Sunday 8th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Apple Day at Stow Hall Gardens. Admission £7. 10 ‘til 4. About 28 miles.
Planning/Social meeting Thursday 12th October 7.45 for 8pm at Ferry Lane www.KWLNBUG.co.uk for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.
Day Ride Sunday 15th October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to Shouldham. About 34 miles.
Day Ride Sunday 22nd October 10.00am Lynnsport A ride to The Granary, Snettisham. About 30 miles. Autumn Colours Ride Saturday 28th October 9.00am Lynnsport A ride to Lyndford Arboretum. About 100km, but can be done as a 75 km by meeting us in Downham (maybe train-assist) on London Road about 1030, or a 50 km maybe car-assist by meeting us at West Dereham village sign about 1100.

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