March/April Bulletin

Well done to all those involved who got the cycle parking returned to KL Tuesday Market Place. It's the 20 spaces (two racks) back from before Christmas, but we hope we can get the other 20 returned before long, after a positive response to a question asked at the recent borough council meeting about having a parking strategy, rather than only a car parking strategy.

Detailed plans have been published for the West Winch Housing Access Road (likely to become the A10) and they're pretty pathetic for cycling, doing less than the minimum committed to in the Sustainable Transport Strategy, with at least four new substandard dangerous road crossings being added to the blue (A10) pedalway, still no good connection to Fair Green, and no serious measures to discourage motor traffic from using the old A10, as if drivers will continue to use the new road even when it's jammed. Please respond to the consultation: once we've got comments, they'll appear on

Spring is coming and we're already seeing an increase in people cycling again, probably thanks to the mild weather, despite a few recent weekend rides being rained off. Long may it continue and if you'd like to help make cycling easier around here, please get in touch. If you'd like a BUG sticker for your mudguard, ask MJ on a ride, or I think Pete still has some. And right now, pictures of any full or near-full cycle parking would probably be useful, if you see some.

As the weather continues to improve, we would like to get back to some listed named rides. The first on this bulletin is on Easter Sunday 31st of March. See details below.

Future dates for your diaries: 

May Bank Holiday Monday 6th May Reach Fair Ride. Dep Lynn station 0812 to Cambridge for 10am start, or 0842 for Ely 

Sunday May 26th The Handlebards Comedy of Errors.   Stow Hall Gardens, 7pm.                                                                                                       

Vicky’s Pedal and Chat rides every Tuesday evening Lynnsport 6.30pm.                                                               

Chat and plan meeting on second Thursday of the month Ferry Lane 7.45 for 8pm. See: for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.

Day Ride                             Sunday 31st March                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to the Easter Sunday Criterion Races at Fakenham. The circuit opens 1pm and seniors race starts 130pm. Womens race 230pm followed by final seniors 330pm.  About 45 miles.

Day Ride                             Sunday 7th April                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to Sweet Things Savoury, Emneth. About 36 miles.                                                                                      

Planning/Social meeting             Thursday 11th April       7.45 for 8pm at Ferry Lane for details of current campaigns and comments on development places.                 

Day Ride                             Sunday 14th April                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to be decided by those who arrive at Lynnsport at 10am. R.A.F. Bircham Newton Heritage Centre Open Day is an option for anyone interested. 

Day Ride                             Sunday 21stApril                     10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to West Acre Gardens Apple Café. About 32 miles.

Day Ride                             Sunday 28th April                      10.00am Lynnsport         A ride to The Norton Rooms, Little Walsingham.

If you have any queries or ride suggestions, please get in touch with Pete on 07525181784, email: Trev 01485 543706    Sarah:bownray@tutamail.comDon’t forget our website:   If you would like to add something, please let Trev or MJ know.Facebook:    or                                               Twitter:

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