Kicking off #space4cycling 2017!

It seems like just two weeks ago that the 2016 elections took place and yet, work starts in Leicester this weekend on the national space4cycling campaign for the 2017 county council elections. space4cycling is one of BUG's current campaigns, calling for useful routes to be opened to cycling or made easier, whether by reducing motorist rat-running, by reallocating parts of busy roads to cycle tracks, or otherwise.

The ideal pattern for past space4cycling campaigns has been as follows:

  1. ask people who want to cycle to tell us where they live;
  2. ask them to tell us what the biggest challenge on their route is;
  3. we ask election candidates if they support space4cycling;
  4. we identify which are the biggest improvements needed in each election area;
  5. we ask candidates if they will push for that improvement;
  6. we tell voters the candidates' answers.

Would you be willing to help with that?  Can you see any obvious improvements, or challenges in it that we need to overcome? Basically, anything I should take to the national space4cycling workshop this weekend?

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