Stop Press Rides

May/June 2021 Sunday 30th/Monday 31st/ Tuesday 1st/Wednesday 2nd

Yellow Welly Ride                                     Sunday 30th May                       10.00am Lynnsport                                         A ride via Sandringham to the lifeboat Station at Old Hunstanton. This is to raise funds for the RNLI, so please seek sponsors to help swell their coffers.  Because of the covid situation we will be unable to canvas contributions from members of the public, so please dig into your own pockets and get friends to support you.  About 37 miles.

We Can’t Go Abroad But Norfolk Is Beautiful ride   Monday 31st May                  10.00am Lynsport

A picnic ride to Barrow Common - 55 miles approx.

Not Quite Baarle's Borders ride                               Tuesday 1st June                       1.30pm Lynnsport  

An afternoon ride to Foul Anchor where three counties meet, with a refreshment stop at Samuel's in Walpole St. Andrew, aiming to get back to town in time for any Pedal and Chatters among us to join the evening ride from Lynnsport at 6.30 pm,  with time for a bite to eat for those who want it.  About 35 miles.

Riding Through Trees     Wednesday 2nd June  9am Lynnsport / 9.30am West Winch / 10am Watlington (Village Green)

A ride to Santon Downham - about 70 miles from Lynnsport.

Alternatively join us from West Winch where some parking is available on our drive (reduces the ride to about 60 miles - please let me know if you'd like to park so we can make sure there is room) or from Watlington Village Green (about 54 miles).

I hope to see some of you next week!  Looking forward to the welly ride on Sunday too. Best Wishes,    Sarah.

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